[new studies ...]
[new] Object : Altar Piece la Passion (15th-16th c.)
Location : Church Notre-Dame at Vétheuil, Val-d'Oise (95) - Ile de France
Project : Tree-ring analyses of frame and decorativ pieces
Collaboration : Ateliers de restauration Deramaix, Ris-Orangis
Scientific report: Laboratoire d'Expertise du Bois et de Datation par Dendrochronologie (LEB2d), novembre 2009, 10 pages + figures.
Keywords: Altar piece, Medieval, oak, datation, tree-ring analyses, dendrochronology |
[new] Object: Seat latrines - Medieval castel (15th)
Location: Château de Brie-Comte-Robert (Seine-et-Marne)
Project: Xylological and dendrochronological studies
Collaboration : Association des Amis du vieux château
Scientific report: Laboratoire d'expertise du bois et de datation par dendrochronologie (LEB2d), septembre 2009, 8 pages + figures.
Keywords: 15th, Middle Ages, seat, latrines, castel, oak, dendrochronology
[new] Object: Wine Press with lever
Location: Champvallon (Yonne) - Bourgogne (France)
Project: Xylological and dendrochronological studies and investigations
Scientific Report: Laboratory of expertise on wood and dating by dendrochronology, June 2009, 13 figures, 14 pages
Keywords: xylology, dating, dendrochronological analyses, oak, wood, expertise, preindustrial Burgundian wine-press |
[new] Site : Ancien prieuré de Villebout
Location: Villebout (Loir-et-Cher) - Centre
Project: Dendrochronological analyses of beams from old building
Scientific Report: Laboratory of expertise on wood and dating by dendrochronology, May 2009, 6 figures, 6 pages
xylology, dating, dendrochronological analyses, oak, wood, beam,
framework, roof, monastry, wood sample, sapwood, pith |
[new] Object : Sculpture polychrome Saint-Georges terrassant le dragon
Location : Private collection
Project : xylological and dendrochronological studies and investigations
Collaboration : C.Lavier (Louvre - C2RMF - CNRS, UMR171)
Scientific Report: Laboratoire d'expertise du bois et de datation par dendrochronologie, Mai 2009, 5 figures, 5 pages
Keywords : xylology, dating, oak, wood, sculpture |
[new] Site : Charbons de bois, Matériau de combustion, tuilerie XVIIIe
Localisation : Tuilerie de Granges-le-Bourg (70) - Franche-Comté
Project : Analyses des charbons de bois
recueillis à la base des fours
Collaboration : D. Morin (CNRS, UMR 5608)
Scientific Report: Laboratory of expertise on wood and dating by dendrochronology,
March 2009, 10 figures, 6 pages
Keywords: archaeology, anthracology, xylology, excavations, charcoal |